
Showing posts from November, 2017

Startups & Tech in Sacramento, California

Well can you suggest some names that come up to your mind the moment you think about tech hubs...umm no points for guessing it must be among the hotshots like Silicon Valley, Seattle or San Francisco. It’s quite unlikely that you might end up with a different set of names in your mind but according to reports there are various new tech hubs coming up whose gonna give a run for money if not replace these maestros and to name a few among this list of upcoming tech hives are Sacramento, Kansas City, Houston etc. As per USA today, the city of Sacramento is emerging as a tech centre and is the fastest growing city in California with respect to high-tech employment. There are more than 500 tech companies growing up in this region. The reason behind the success of this city is its cost effectiveness compared to the bay area and its proximity to San Francisco. Each year more and more number of companies are emerging in this city. As per facts and figures from a report titled “Californi